Alderney Gate Library's big 2-0 | Arts & Culture | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Alderney Gate Library's big 2-0

Wish the Dartmouth library a happy two decades at its historic---and celebratory---photo exhibition.

Twenty candles sit atop the cake for Alderney Gate Library's birthday on Monday, and you'll have a chance to blow them all out at a lunchtime celebration that also opens a photo exhibition of the library from 1990 to the present. "We had a ton of neat old photos, so I got a really nice collection right from the beginning," says branch manager Heather MacKenzie, who has worked at Alderney for the past decade. Asked what surprised her most while looking at the photos, MacKenzie laughs. "We still have the same tables!" She adds that major changes in the library are mostly technological, as the face of the building hasn't changed, and some design work has been done to add areas that didn't exist at the opening---such as services for teens and young adults. Eat your piece of cake---cut by Alderney's first board chairman Carol Gallant---and walk through the historical photo exhibition at noon on Monday.

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