Best Cartoonist 2006 | Bruce MacKinnon | Arts + Culture

Best of Halifax

Best Cartoonist

Bruce MacKinnon

Political gaffs are MacKinnon’s currency. Lucky for this award-winning political cartoonist, government is rich in fumbles. So how’s Harper doing? “He comes across as bitter and confrontational, so he makes a big inviting target.” Rodney MacDonald? “Intentionally or unintentionally, Rodney’s been making way more waves than I think he expected to...I don’t think any of us saw this coming after the relatively sedate Hamm years. Either way, it’s all good for business from my perspective.” So who’s the big muse right now? “Peter MacKay has managed to nail himself directly to my crosshairs with the ‘dog’ quote in the continuing Belinda saga,” but he’s really “looking forward to dropping some lead on Ignatieff.”

1st runner-up Mike Holmes, The Coast

2nd runner-up Michael DeAdder, Daily News

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