How to be a great date | Sex + Dating | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

How to be a great date

7 keys to dating success

Scott Blackburn
Positive vibes abound.

#1 Don't be a jock
In the survey question about which Haligonian type is the least appealing, jocks claimed top spot, with 21 percent of people agreeing that game on is a turnoff. But to make things confusing, the least least-appealing Haligonians are surfers (only 1 percent of people are riding the anti-surfer wave). Maybe it's the wetsuit.

#2 Ask that special person out in person
>Halifax believes very strongly (82 percent) that the best way to ask someone out is in person. Not by text (only 8 percent approve), on the phone or online (4 percent each). And absolutely never through a friend (1 percent). It can be useful in lots of situations to have someone on your wing: A survey-taking wingman claims he always carries a condom just in case his friend needs it. However, some things you have to do for yourself.

#3 Ditch the negativity
According to the survey, the number one thing that would make Haligonians more attractive is a better attitude. At 35 percent, improved 'tude is more important than better style (16 percent), more money (6 percent), more booze (5 percent) and plastic surgery (1 percent) combined, and unlike all those it's free. Doesn't that make you feel more positive---and therefore more attractive--- already?

#4 First dates are for drinking
We asked people where they like to go on a first date, and 36 percent said "out for a casual drink." Note the word "out," meaning someplace public, neutral, far from your bedroom. "Casual" hints at keeping stakes and expectations low. And "drink" definitely means booze (going to a cafe was the second-best first-date choice), a special elixir that can give your date's mind something to do if you prove to be a complete snore.

#5 It's about you, not me
Fully 55 percent of Haligonians say the most impressive thing their date can do is to "be curious about me," which is easy to do even if you have to fake it. Remember: You don't impress by boasting about how impressive you are. Instead ask and listen more than you talk, and it's curiosity for the win.

#6 Avoid getting an ex rating
Of course, if you've used tip 5 well, there's a very real risk your date will be impressed enough to ask you about yourself. This isn't a trap so much as it's a landmine, which you must navigate around. The most common mistake people make on dates is talking about their exes (25 percent). In other words, Don't. Talk. About. Your. Exes.

#7 Find common ground
So what do you talk about? Sixty percent of survey respondents say the best topic to discuss on a first date is common interests. That doesn't mean sex, even if that's the main thing you're interested in doing in common with your date, as only 3 percent of people find that a good topic of dating discussion.

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