JereBat | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Oct 23, 2015


  • Posted by:
    JereBat on 11/29/2016 at 3:40 PM
    There is no need for anti-panhandling laws. Anything a person does that would be cover (threatening you, harassing you, blocking your way) is already covered by the criminal code. How often do panhandlers in this or any other city actually do those things? RARELY.

    Simply saying, "hey, some change," is not a violation of your rights, nor is it harassment. Get over it. If you don't want to be spoken to, don't go out in public.
  • Posted by:
    JereBat on 10/13/2016 at 10:34 AM
    Oh, you seem to think that immigrants in Nova Scotia do dirty, dangerous jobs because we refuse to.

    Actually, immigrants in the Atlantic provinces make MORE money than the average income for immigrants nationally, have HIGHER rates of employment than immigrants in Toronto/Vancouver/Montreal, and are MORE likely to be employed in the profession they trained for. Immigrants here do better than they do in most of the country.

    So how does that play into your silly Maritimes cliche-spewing?
  • Posted by:
    JereBat on 10/13/2016 at 10:31 AM
    "I've lived in a lot of places, in Canada and abroad. By FAR the Maritimes is populated with the most small minded, petty, closet-racist, closet-homophobic, Indigenous-hating, we've-done-it-like-this-for-decades-and-our-unwillingness-to-change-will-be-our-ultimate-demise, downright-NIMBY assholes I've ever met. "

    Clearly you have never been to Saskatchewan, friend. Or Quebec. Or Manitoba. Or rural anywhere.
  • Posted by:
    JereBat on 10/07/2016 at 1:59 PM
    Oh, and also: I'm voting for Lindell myself, but there's nothing WRONG with a white man deciding to run. He is not, by virtue of his skin colour, serving the status quo and therefore must defer to non-white candidates. To say so is crazy problematic.

    I'm glad the representation looks more diverse this time around, and I hope Lindell wins, partly for that reason, but Brenden is not a bad guy for not stepping aside. Give me a fucking break.

    District 8 is not black, or white, or immigrant, or anything. It is diverse. Anyone can run.
  • Posted by:
    JereBat on 10/07/2016 at 1:29 PM
    If you actually believe Halifax is more hostile than Toronto to non-straight or cis people, congratulations, you've already inherited the classic grass-is-greener Halifax attitude. Welcome, and don't trip over the country's fourth-largest pride festival (on a per-capita basis, the largest in the country by far) on the way into town.

    Seriously, though, public-opinion polls, and more empirical data like employment and hate-crime statistics, indicate that while anti-queer prejudice surely does exist here, we perform basically the same as everywhere else in Canada, except the prairies, on matters of discrimination.

    We are not an inclusive utopia. Nor are we some sort of ignorant small-time backwater full of prejudiced rubes, though for some fucking weird reason, there are a LOT of Haligonians who really think we are, to the point that it's become a "fact" that is impossible to discuss.
  • Posted by:
    JereBat on 09/29/2016 at 10:06 PM
    Well, if The Coast disappeared, there would be exactly zero worthwhile reporting on City Hall, except for some of the stuff in the Halifax Examiner. That alone earns this thing its keep.
  • Posted by:
    JereBat on 09/29/2016 at 2:19 PM
    Important to point out these racist incidents; also important not to imagine this is "because Halifax."

    A Muslim woman in New York City was set on fire a few weeks ago. Someone in Toronto tried to push a woman in a hijab in front of a subway a few months back. A mosque in the very liberal university town of Peterborough was burned down last year.

    This shit is everywhere. It's deep in western society. All this "Halifax is racist" shit both A: Makes us out to be worse than we are, and B: Implies other cities are less racist, which wrongly lets them off the hook.