My arrested Arrested Development development | City | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

My arrested Arrested Development development

Better late than never

After I raved one too many times about how good 30 Rock is, my peeps asked if I've ever seen the late great Fox show Arrested Development. I never bothered to catch that train, I said. Bother, they replied, handing over all three seasons on DVD. For weeks now, my nights have been filled with AD episodes, watching one 22-minute gem after another on my laptop in bed, fighting off sleep and paying for it in the morning. (If this scenario sounds miserable or useless, you should bother, too.) Anyway, part of being a zealous convert nowadays is frittering away the waking hours watching YouTube clips at the office. Here is my reigning favourite, the chicken dance compilation. Coo-coo-kacha.

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