Bragging without rights | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Bragging without rights

Dude, it's great that you are working toward your Master's degree...and that you need it to get a job teaching English in Korea...but you clearly know nothing about the local society or you wouldn't be quite as excited...your landlord - in the admirably

Posted on Sun, Dec 9, 2007 at 2:28 PM

Published August 16, 2007.Bragging without rights

Dude, it's great that you are working toward your Master's degree...and that you need it to get a job teaching English in Korea...but you clearly know nothing about the local society or you wouldn't be quite as excited...your landlord - in the admirably PAID housing - will take whatever valuables he finds while snooping as you work and there is nothing you can do about it since your possessions exist within his (according to local laws)...and you could have spent half the time and effort getting a diploma to do the same thing for half the cost. And to save you some time and anguish? You can screw/bolt/nail your LOCKED chest to the floor to save yourself from a fight you will lose...don't brag about something you only possess HALF the info about and HALF the info you need (at best) to make a(n) (so-called) educated decision to pay off your student loan (and BTW? knowing a few conjugations and swears in Spanish or French doesn't mean you count it toward languages you can speak). Read online documents about those who have doen it before you brag about it within earshot of those who know better than you from those who have done it.


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