Cab Stiffers | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Cab Stiffers

To the young couple that grabbed a cab on the evening of Saturday, Feb.25th. I happened to grab that same cab about an hour after you and had a little chat with the nice cabbie...and as far as i'm concerned you should be ashamed of yourselves! He proceed

Posted on Sun, Dec 9, 2007 at 5:04 PM

Published March 02, 2006.Cab Stiffers

To the young couple that grabbed a cab on the evening of Saturday, Feb.25th. I happened to grab that same cab about an hour after you and had a little chat with the nice cabbie...and as far as i'm concerned you should be ashamed of yourselves! He proceeded to tell me that it was his first night working "the bars" as he usually only takes care of airport runs. You two were his first customers of the night as you entered his cab in a drunken state, slopping food all over the place when he asked you not to bring it into the cab, you ignored him and stained his seats with ketchup and mustard. You arrived at your destination and instead of paying the man you both hopped out and ran into your building, stiffing the cab driver. He ran in after you and banged on your door and the arrogant assholes that you both are, slammed the door in his face.

I hope that in the future you learn to treat everyone with respect. This cab driver was one of the nicest people i've ever met and he was clearly upset telling me that he needs the money to put food on the table for his young son. Think about it...that's how he makes his living and everytime people like you stiff him, he doesn't get paid!!!

My heart went out to him as i felt sicken by the fact that there's idiots like the two of you out there with no respect for others! Someone should hunt you down at work and rip you off so you can see what it's like!!

A fan of the nice cabbie

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