Cat hit and run | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Cat hit and run

Hey you. That's right, the asshole who ran over a woman's cat on Sunday February 26 at about noon on Chebucto Road, just in front of the Bluenose Dry Cleaners. You ran the cat down, slowed down in front of the Ultramar, and then DROVE AWAY. The cat's own

Posted on Sun, Dec 9, 2007 at 4:59 PM

Published March 23, 2006.Cat hit and run

Hey you. That's right, the asshole who ran over a woman's cat on Sunday February 26 at about noon on Chebucto Road, just in front of the Bluenose Dry Cleaners. You ran the cat down, slowed down in front of the Ultramar, and then DROVE AWAY. The cat's owner saw the whole thing, as did a number of us on both sides of the road. The poor woman was totally distraught and incoherent with grief. A kind person from the laundromat abandoned her laundry to take the woman and her cat to the emergency clinic in Burnside, but even before they left we knew there was no hope for her pet. Had you gotten out and offered to help, or even expressed the merest modicum of concern, it would have been just a tragic accident. But when you drove off instead you turned into the lowest scum on the planet. You murdered someone's family pet in front of them. I can't think of words harsh enough to describe you. I hope your actions last Sunday haunt you forever. Asshat.

(ps. If you'd like to restore your terrible karma, consider making a sizeable donation to a local animal shelter or to the Metro Emergency Animal Clinic.)

Innocent and depressed bystander

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