Charitible Driver Spares Pedestrian | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Charitible Driver Spares Pedestrian

I'm crossing at the pedestrian crosswalk -- with the signal -- at the willow tree Monday at rush hour. You want to turn right and you honk your horn at me. I gesture at the walking signal to point out that I have the right of way and continue walking. Yo

Posted on Sun, Dec 9, 2007 at 3:09 PM

Published February 22, 2007.Charitible Driver Spares Pedestrian

I'm crossing at the pedestrian crosswalk -- with the signal -- at the willow tree Monday at rush hour. You want to turn right and you honk your horn at me. I gesture at the walking signal to point out that I have the right of way and continue walking. You put down your window and yell, "I was trying to be nice!" Nice? On what planet is it nice to honk at a pedestrian who has the right of way? I don't need a musical interlude played on your horn as I walk across the street. I need you to sit there and be quiet. let me get across safely and then speed along on your self-important way downtown in your gigantic SUV. You don't have to honk to tell me you've magnanimously decided not to run me over. Not running me over in a crosswalk is why they let you have a license. You weren't being NICE by keeping me out of the hospital - you were keeping yourself out of jail!

Alive for one more day

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