Dear EI | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Dear EI

Up until a year ago, I had never been unemployed in my life since I was old enough to work. I paid into UI and then EI continuously for 26 years. I think that's quite an accomplishment considering I have never lived outside Nova Scotia. But last year,

Posted on Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 1:55 PM

Up until a year ago, I had never been unemployed in my life since I was old enough to work. I paid into UI and then EI continuously for 26 years. I think that's quite an accomplishment considering I have never lived outside Nova Scotia. But last year, when I did become unemployed, and I did have to make my first ever EI claim, you treated me like I was asking for charity rather than making a CLAIM on an INSURANCE policy that I've been paying into my entire adult life. You acted like you were grudgingly giving me a handout rather than giving me back some of my OWN MONEY. And now, adding injury to the insult, you're telling me, "oh yeah. We gave you too much. We want some back. Within 10 days."

Well Fuck You. I'll go bankrupt before I'll give you cocksuckers a dime. I have three kids and not enough income for you to garnish. I'm going to make sure my employer takes off too little income tax. I'm willing to pay in at the end of the year to make sure there will be no refund for you to seize. And I'm not going to apply for the GST rebate, even though I'm entitled to it, just so you won't be able to seize that either. Oh, I know you'll get me someday, unless I move to another country. But you'll work for that $600, you bastards, for as long as I can make you.

Screwed Again

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