Yellow Cab | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Yellow Cab

Isn't it nice to see that Yellow Cabs care about the handicapped. Why, just this morning, Tuesday- April 8, at 10:30 AM a Yellow Cab sat waiting for a fare in the handicapped parking zone in front of the Dalhousie Student Union Building. I thought he mi

Posted on Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 8:25 PM

Isn't it nice to see that Yellow Cabs care about the handicapped. Why, just this morning, Tuesday- April 8, at 10:30 AM a Yellow Cab sat waiting for a fare in the handicapped parking zone in front of the Dalhousie Student Union Building. I thought he might have been ensuring that the space was reserved for cars with a handidaped emblem in the windshield. But lo and behold wehn one did drive up behind him he ignored it and forced the car with the bright, blue handicapped sticker to seek another spot further from the building. Aren't Yellow Cabs just great corporate citizens...they trash the handicapped and force them oput of their designeated spots. Let's all boycott YELLOW CABS. I wish I had had the presence of mind to gte the cabs numer...but would Yellow Cab even have cared...after all he was waiting for a fare!

A Witness

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