Thanks for chasing us all away | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Thanks for chasing us all away

I used to post on here all the time, because im very shy and i dont like intense confrontation that you sometimes get from people who dont like to accept other's ideas. i liked bitching on here because i could have my voice heard in some way, by someone

Posted on Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 8:40 PM

I used to post on here all the time, because im very shy and i dont like intense confrontation that you sometimes get from people who dont like to accept other's ideas. i liked bitching on here because i could have my voice heard in some way, by someone and possibly see if they feel the same. and i liked when people argued, because im not a person who is intentionally ignorant, but i really just dont know certain things, and if im wrong about something, i like to be educated on why im wrong. which is why i stopped posting and commenting altogether. it went from people sharing ideas to a highschool clique for those who missed the 'cool' boat. you all attack people who have different opinions instead of trying to help them understand your POV. every time someone is slight;y annoying or their ideas dont go with the general consensus, it starts a witchhunt through the archives for past quotes to throw into their faces. i know that i sometimes have ideas that would get me jumped on in this forum "OMG, you're GINGER!!!"

So many times i see people on here calling someone a 'moron' or an 'idiot' because of thier posts. oh really, and you're so intelligent? if you're such a genius, why do you work at minacs/teletech/convergys/insertother low-paying job here??

you all hold yourselves up on such a pedestal because you spend all day long posting on LTWWB. so many people have left here who used to post really insightful intelligent thigns that we could all learn from, but we wont now because they got so sick of the pointless sniping and immaturity. congrats guys, you've managed to commandeer a really amazing forum in the name of Pseudo-Intellectual circle-jerking

done like dinner

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