The Halifax Cut | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, May 5, 2008

The Halifax Cut

What's with Halifax drivers pulling out onto the road when clearly I, or another driver I'm observing, is way too close for you to do so? The Halifax Cut. They love it. And god forbid they should make eye contact or wave, acknowledging they cut your off,

Posted on Mon, May 5, 2008 at 12:20 PM

What's with Halifax drivers pulling out onto the road when clearly I, or another driver I'm observing, is way too close for you to do so? The Halifax Cut. They love it. And god forbid they should make eye contact or wave, acknowledging they cut your off, where at least I could give them the finger back. The Halifax Cut. Now that you've cut me off, do you think you could go faster than 28kms? No? Didn't think so. The Halifax Cut. Happens at least twice during any road trip I make. The Halifax Cut. Unlike any city drivers in the nation. Blind in unison, and merrily so.

You're Cut.

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