snow covered sidewalks | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, February 9, 2009

snow covered sidewalks

Posted on Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 5:37 PM

So who's idea was it to start using gravel on the sidewalks instead of road salt. Yah thats great as long as the all mighty car has a clear path on the f-in road who give a sh** about the poor low income folk who have to walk. J-asses running this city should be put in a wheelchair for a day or given enough muscle relaxants and forced to use a walker(of course I have no idea if that is possible). Maybe they would wake up. I have been in contact with my alderperson (G.M.) and she apparently isn't able to do a thing about it. Hell she didn't even know who is in charge of snow and ice control for this district. I know G.M. isn't getting my vote next election.


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