Dear PM | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dear PM

Posted on Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 10:08 PM

I hate you. You're turning the Canada I know into some strange Bizarro-world. You're a sneaky, pucker-faced, Lego-haired ASS. It must have been odd to hear so much cheering during Obama's visit, lord knows nobody does it for you. It's so frustrating to hear new, insidious laws being passed and knowing there's shit-all I can do about it. I've never had so much resentment for a political figure before, and that's saying a lot. I hate what you're doing to the country, and all the fostered kittens in the country won't make it better. I hope Cheddar claws your eyes out.

---Moving to Switzerland.

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