Bloody oil in NS | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bloody oil in NS

Posted on Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 10:36 PM

It has come to my attention as a concerned citizen of this great province that we are dependant on “bloody” oil from countries in conflict. Not a drop of oil that feeds our homes comes from Alberta. The money we use to buy oil goes into partially funding insurgents we are trying stop in the world in the form of terrorism. Why aren’t we getting our oil from the oil patch in Alberta?

Certainly as a province we are giving them the manpower to drive their economy. I used to work in conventional oil well servicing out in Alberta.

What are the alternatives to oil for heating our homes and oil in the form of gasoline for powering our vehicles on the road?

My third and most important question is what is the government doing to move us in the direction of alternative fuels?

We as people need to heat our homes and navigate ourselves around for work and to maintain families. These are basic needs of the society of today. We need to start implementing ways of fulfilling these needs which can coexist within moral and just means and coexist with the natural world. We need real action and plans laid down to bring Nova Scotia to the economy of the future. I want to know what steps are being made to ensure we are a key player in transitioning modern society to take advantage of the technologies that are more appropriate for the times at hand.

We need to join together and work with government to make this a reality.

---NS Citizen

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