I hate the GDL program!!! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I hate the GDL program!!!

Posted on Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 12:23 PM

Okay, I'm 28 and was born in raised in Montreal, where you don't need a car or a license! Now, I move to this city and the buses suck and transit sucks, so now I need to get a license and a car! I'm 28 fucking years old, and I have to go through the same process as a 16 year old kid! Why? I'm more responsible, more mature, have held a job for over 10 years, I have a wife and a kid. I don't drink, don't smoke. I'm a responsible guy, so why the hell do I need to get a Learner's License, wait 6 fucking months, then if I pass the road test I get a license with a big N on it and I still have to wait 2 fucking years before I have a full license?

---God Damn Laws

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