cell phone idiot | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

cell phone idiot

Posted on Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 9:23 AM

To the person whose cell phone was ringing during the performance of Doubt at Neptune Theatre: common courtesy wasn't enough to inspire you to turn your phone off before the play started, neither was the polite request made just before the curtain went up to turn all cell phones off. Not even your cell phone ringing during the show was enough to get you to turn it off, so we were all "treated" to an encore. Your ignorance knows no bounds. It didn't stop with yourself or with those around you, but extended right up onto the stage where it was directed at the cast and crew in the production. It just shows that art is for everyone - any idiot with 25 bucks is free to go to the theatre and ruin the experience for everyone else. But to call you an idiot is an insult to idiots.

--- no doubts

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