hwy...101 Tailgaters..... | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

hwy...101 Tailgaters.....

Posted on Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 8:56 PM

OK, FINE..I understand you want to get home! Its dark, been a long day. I get it.............. But so do...with my child and I in 1 piece. I go 105-110km/h when I have to (i know..Dale Earnhardt here) , but please stop riding on my A** AND with your high beams on . Just because you have to wait a few minutes until you can go in the other lane and pass me..have some courtesy...and keep a safe distance away from my car. I will slow my speed down and let you in when you do decide to pass...im not a B*tch like that. But It drives me crazy that people think they have a right to play bumper cars with you.

--- speedy Gonzales.

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