To All the Bicycling Nimrods Who Think They Own The Roads | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, May 4, 2009

To All the Bicycling Nimrods Who Think They Own The Roads

Posted on Mon, May 4, 2009 at 9:11 AM

I have just about had it with you cycling morons in your little zip-up spandex suits that REFUSE to move over even an inch on the road because you think you are a "Vehicle". Are you so self involved that you are willing to get splattered by vehicles coming up behind you just to make your point? There has not yet been a bike designed that can tango with a car or truck and win. It's only a matter of time before your dumb ass connects with someone's windshield. Cars and trucks have nowhere else to go. That's why a ROAD was built for US...not you.

Oh more thing: Does the phrase "single file" mean anything to you? If you must insist on pedalling all over hell's creation and becoming road hazards, can you at least do it single file? One of these days, you are going to cause a really bad accident. So knock it the hell off already.

---It's Starting to Piss Me Off

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