These Are The Real Dogs | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

These Are The Real Dogs

Posted on Thu, May 7, 2009 at 9:43 PM

I just want to know WHY?

Why do people let their dogs bark non-stop? Can't the owners hear their own animals? Bark bark bark bark bark!!!!! <-----Can you not hear that over your own stupidity??

Why do people let their dogs run loose? I don't want your asshole dog in my yard. I don't want your asshole dog near me or my kids with it's barking face and fang teeth. Remember when Dog Control gave you a fine because your Cujo dog wouldn't stay off my property because you wouldn't tie it? Did you enjoy that? I know it was a good chunk of money.

Can you just tie your dog when you put it outside, see what the problem is when it barks ( and fix it) and STOP letting your dog off it's leash in public "because you feel like it."

I will call Dog Control every time and confront you until you GROW UP, learn some responsibility and pull your head out of your ass. Oh look---the laws actually do apply to YOU. Imagine that.

---I Won't Stop Until You Do

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