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Friday, May 22, 2009

Save Our Northern Region Communities:

Posted on Fri, May 22, 2009 at 10:36 AM

Keep anti-seal-hunters out of Canada. Boycott those who are boycotting seal products: For example: Someone who's name rhymes with "call mcfartsee." He is WRONG for doing so, and you are WRONG for going along with him. Do this if you actually care about your fellow Canadians of the northern region, and know that it's wrong to boycott the seal hunt. Why? I'll tell you why:

1. Seal hunting is needed, because seals are over eating the fish. On top of that, you can use the sea pelts to make a wide range of products, and there is another source of meat that you get from the seals. ("Oh, we know that already," is what you say. Well, there's more)

2. Communities in Nunavut and Newfoundland depend on sealing and fishing. You ban seal hunting, those communities die. You put animals on top of your fellow man, your fellow countryman, even. A lady from Nunavut talked about this on CBC Radio on the day that the vote in Europe to ban seal products was taken.

3. It is not as "barbaric" as you would assume. In fact, the method that is used to hunt seals is less barbaric than the method that was used many years ago. They suffer less.

4. They are not just fisherman looking to get "richer" when they are in the off-season for fishing. If you listen to CBC Radio, (the same program, same day, mentioned in reason 2 ) a man from Newfoundland, a seasoned sealer of nearly six decades even said so himself. It is not a get rich easy scheme. He and other top notch sealers are not rich. He said so that $25,000 in a year was a GOOD year for him for sealing. He said that he will never salute the maple leaf flag. He is ashamed of Canada for protesting against the seal hunt, and would be even more ashamed if Stephen Harper didn't do something to keep Europeans from banning seal products. He said that his Newfoundland flag was raised upside-down that day, to show the distress.

Therefore, show that you care about ALL of your countrymen, by boycotting the one who's name rhymes with "call mcfartsee," for boycotting seal products, being a killer of Northern Canadian rural communities. Do this by protesting his "coming to Halifax". He and others who are boycotting seal products should be banned from Canada, for being too ignorant too consider the Canadian communities that will fall apart if the seal product ban goes through. Putting animals above your fellow man, your fellow countryman, for that matter. When my forefathers were forced into this country, I thought that they were being forced into a good country that looks out for one another. If this is untrue, then that adds to the list of many reasons why this "nation" is a mistake.

I have already written a letter to the editor, but this is much too important to wait for it to be published. It must be known by everybody.

---Somebody Who Is Right.

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