Naked Bitches | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Naked Bitches

Posted on Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 6:20 AM

I love ya. I love ya for feeling so damn free in the gym locker room that you toss that towel aside and say 'fuck you, my bush needs some air', I wish I could do the same but alas it's just bare T&A for me...all of that being said, STRAP A TOWEL AROUND YOUR WASTE the next time you drop anything in front of anyone ya dirties! Things such as your hairbrush, your panties, your tampons can ALL be picked up appropriately when you need to bend over and retrieve!

AND IF YOU DROP YOUR TOWEL here's what you do: bend at the fucking knee so I don't have to see the inside of your vag!

Don't get me wrong, a naked lady is beautiful...especially hot ones but this is too much. WAY too much...and how do I know you're not some trench coat lesbian flasher that ends up diddling in the shower after "accidently" dropping your shit?? This is absolutely just offensive as a man doing it...think about it. Check it. Peace.

---Semi Naked Bitch

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