Babies deserve breastmilk | Love the Way We Bitch

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Babies deserve breastmilk

Posted on Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 11:08 PM

I'm so fucking pissed off about these stupid skanks who say things like, "Breastfeeding is disgusting!" or "Nobody's touching my tits but me and my boyfriend!"

How fucking selfish can you be? Your milk is created by your body to provide your baby with the perfect amount of everything that it needs, and allow it to be healthy. As well, your baby is born with an instinct to suckle, not have a bottle jammed in its mouth!

There is not a single formula on the market today that can match the benefits of breastmilk, so if you're willing to deny your baby the one thing that will allow it to grow properly, maybe you're not yet mature enough to have children!

--- General of the Breast is Best Brigade

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