Why are cops exempt from hands-free cell phone law? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why are cops exempt from hands-free cell phone law?

Posted on Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 10:31 AM

Why are cops exempt from hands-free cell phone law? Don't tell me it's because; " they are operating an authorized emergency vehicle".

Multi-tasking police on a hand-held cell phone and using in-car police computers while driving through a busy intersection how safe is that? I can talk on a cell phone & drive with no problem, too, so the law shouldn't apply to me either.

But I guess they are here to protect us. We should obey them. We should give in to them. Do what the police say. They know what is best for us. Just as the politicians know what is best for us. You feel safer already.

--- I love bacon

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