are you fucking kidding me | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

are you fucking kidding me

Posted on Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 12:54 AM

this is to the lady, probly mid 30's standing at the bus stop with her son..couldnt be any older than 10.. i watched you pull your pack of cigarettes out, hand him a smoke and light the damn thing for him and actually LET HIM smoke it. are you fucking out of your mind? jesus christ no wonder so many under age kids smoke these days. there is no need for a 10 year old kid to be smoking.. and obviously its been going on for quite sometime.. he didnt cough, choke or anything.. he was actually taking real drags off of it. you are a pathetic excuse for a mother you and should get arrested for attempted murder or some shit. guess you dont care if your child dies before you do. hopefully someone else sees this and fucking reports your ass and your child gets taken away from you.

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