It's Over, But That Doesn't Mean That You are Finished | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's Over, But That Doesn't Mean That You are Finished

Posted on Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 10:31 AM

It's not just that you had an affair. You betrayed me on so many levels.

You lied constantly. You treated me like dirt in order to rationalize your behavior. You risked exposing me and my baby to STDs (you will never know how humiliating it is to have a male technician give you an AIDS test when you're 8 months pregnant). You put me in the position that I not only had to listen to your girlfriend cry and rant over the phone, but I had to listen to your family tell me that it was my fault, as I obviously wasn't taking care of your needs (insensitive idiots, how are they going to say that to a woman who just had a baby). I was forced to swallow my pride and beg for social assistance, because you encouraged me into quitting my 35k a year job the year before to stay home with the children until they started school.

You made me look like the bad person to our kids, because I am the one who packed them up and turned their lives upside down. And, you told them what you did and that you were so sorry, and that I wouldn't forgive you. I think that this was more selfish than having an affair. How could you put that on children who have been hurt enough, just so you can once again get what YOU want.

And, we're not talking about a mistake here. A simple one nighter. You left me to handle our family alone all year while you fucked around. And for what? Not for love, that's for sure. You dumped her immediately in order to work on getting me back. You shouldn't have bothered. I do not want someone who lacks in character. You are disloyal, dishonorable, a liar, a cheat, weak and selfish. If you really cared about me, you would stop causing me pain and respect that it is over.

Have you not learned anything? Put aside YOUR needs for once. That is what got you into trouble in the first place. Your children want and need you. They have forgiven you, and they still love you. Stop disregarding them except when it suits your needs. If you were really the changed person that you proclaim yourself to be, you would pay your child support so your children would no longer have to live in poverty.

---The one who is still paying the price for your mistake

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