To the person in posession of the black wallet that I lost on the 80 Halifax Bus Thursday night | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, October 30, 2009

To the person in posession of the black wallet that I lost on the 80 Halifax Bus Thursday night

Posted on Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 2:48 PM

Keep the cash with my compliments and best wishes. Keep the November buspass, you're welcome! Hey, I was the one that dropped it, you just found it right? Just send the rest back to me.

Please. Pretty please. That's a week of my life and even more money replacing all of that stuff. There was stuff that is worthless to you but invaluable to me. Please!

Just pass it to the nearest Mall's lost and found or give it to the next busdriver you see and say you just found it. Please!

Good vibes for you AND you get the cash. Good deal, right?

(OK, not a Bitch per se, but I figure most people read this sectiojn first.)

Thank you.

---Big Neba

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