Love the Way We Bitch | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Love the Way We Bitch

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Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.

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Monday, November 30, 2009

Posted on Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:45 PM

I know that you've been hiding this a long time. I get that you're extremely excited, and freed by the admission of such a secret. I respect your courage, and I will be your friend as long as you'll have me.

Posted on Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:42 PM

I like having music in the background at work, but is it REALLY necessary to play Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" 5 times a day EVERY WORKDAY for the last month?
--- I believe! I believe!


Posted on Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:40 PM

To the ass-hat who decided that it would be a good idea to break the drivers side window in on my car on Friday night, in the rain! I just wanted to thank you. It made my weekend so much better... It made getting to where I had to go at 8:30 am, before most garages are open on a Saturday, easier. And it defiantly made getting to work today a breeze.

Posted on Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:38 PM

For months, you've had a question in your head that you wanted answered. You were either too shy to ask or didn't know where to get the answer, so you took your sharpie and started asking this question on mailboxes, construction signs, walls, anywhere where people would see it. Of course, you didn't leave any contact info so no one has been able to find you and answer the question for you. Hopefully you're reading this as I'm going to answer it for you right now.
911 operators work indoors, so does everyone else who works for 911. Now that you have this answer, please stop writing the question everywhere.
Your Friendly Neighborhood PDG

Posted on Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:34 PM

I am tired of being poor.
Tired Poor Person

Posted on Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:33 PM

Stop reporting about the car accident a certain pro golfer got into! First of all, no one gives a shit. Second of all, this is NOT news! I've seen it urgently discussed on FIVE reputable (or so I thought) news stations already! This is the sort of thing entertainment news does, celebrity gossip and speculation. One station even quoted that Mr. Pro Golfer wanted to keep the accident a private matter, sweet irony. There are more news-worthy stories out there, do your job and find them!

Posted on Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:32 PM

Even though you think you're god's gift to us lowly types you're still evil and we know what you did. Given time it will all come out. After you're gone we'll still be here.
---Still here

Posted on Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:31 PM

My f*ing cat ran away, just when I was beginning to get attached to her. Like, come on.

Posted on Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:30 PM

Not a day goes by that I dont see women wearing pantyhose with no underwear as pants or women wearing shirts as dresses with no underwear. Maybe you ladies should go bare ass.
---Fully dressed.

Posted on Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:28 PM

I am very aware that Metro is, oh, 85% anti-child. Most people here are trying to be some sort of low-rent New York, or whatever- point is, most hate little ones.
That being said, they're here, we keep having them, get over it. Move to the actual New York or something.