How to drive in traffic | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

How to drive in traffic

Posted on Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 11:34 AM

Good thing I seldom drive in this city or I might lose my mind....

Just a reminder, Haligonian commuters:

1) When the light turns green, remove your foot from the brake, and - this is the key - push the gas pedal! There is NO REASON to allow ten car lengths of empty space between you and the car in front of you in gridlock traffic. YOU and people like you make the traffic worse than it has to be.

2) When you get to the rotary, don't panic! All you need to do is wait for the first gap, and then ACCELERATE!!! See rule #1! If your style of starting is to release the brake and idle off in drive, you might struggle with the rotary! Punch it!!!!

3) Lets just stick to the rules of the road, shall we?!?! There is always some tool stopping and trying to wave me though a left turn when HE has the right of way. This just F's up the flow of traffic!! Just stick to the rules, and we'll all be better off. You aren't doing me a favour by waving me through only to be creamed by the guy in the other lane who doesn't know why the hell someone is turning left into oncoming traffic. Just stick to the rules, they exist for a reason.

---Mostly cyclist

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