You sure made the bus go faster! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

You sure made the bus go faster!

Posted on Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 10:41 AM

To the stupid girl with the red purse on the 1 to mumford Monday during rush hour -

You are an idiot. You consciously got on this bus, and then when it started taking too long, you hummed and hawed and stomped your foot and said 'seriously?!'and acted like a total sulk loud enough for other bus patrons to notice.

Yeah, traffic sucks. Yeah, riding the bus sucks. But you were the one who chose to get on a bus with one of the busiest and most traffic ridden routes at rush hour.

Stop being impatient and acting like a brat. Your time is not worth more than the rest of the people riding on buses during rush hour.

---Patience is a virtue

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