Everything Sucks | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Everything Sucks

Posted on Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 12:57 PM

My teachers told me to go to university. I spent years working and going to school part-time. I ended up with a huge student loan and credit card debt.

I cannot get a job better than what I had without a degree. Only temporary receptionist, call centre, or data entry jobs. Some jobs turn me down because I have a degree. I make less money than I did without a degree. I need to get more university for a decent job but I cannot because of my debt.

I tried to find help; anything to relieve my debt. There is no help for a healthy white woman with a university degree. No programmes, no assistance, no nothing. I need to change my race, become crippled, get a drug addiction, or become a single mother before any government programme will touch me. I'm trapped and I will never get out of debt.

Why did the teahers at high school lie to me? I did everything they suggested to me. Ten years later I can barely pay my rent and feed myself.

Stop lying to students, teachers. Going to university will NOT help your students get ahead in life, it will only financially cripple them for life.

Tell your students to go to a trade school or nothing.

---In Debt Forever

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