Another Driving Bitch | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, November 30, 2009

Another Driving Bitch

Posted on Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 5:28 PM

I am very aware that Metro is, oh, 85% anti-child. Most people here are trying to be some sort of low-rent New York, or whatever- point is, most hate little ones.
That being said, they're here, we keep having them, get over it. Move to the actual New York or something.
What do you NOT do? Here is what you do not do: you don't try to plow through a mom pushing a stroller through a green light, complete with white-man walking signal (it means CROSS, people) don't decide to drive again after you've noticed the fucking stroller and you've stopped. Oh, and the car coming down into that same intersection? YOU need to notice the RED light you were attempting to go through, AND the stroller you were trying the same shit with! He's a BABY! You may not like kids, but trying to remove them one by one via vehicular manslaughter is not the way to express that dislike, sorry.
Oh, and just so that you know, while i was screaming at you that you were morons (after you tried to HIT MY BABY!), you both nearly plowed into each other. CAUSE YOU BOTH CHOSE TO IGNORE THAT RED FUCKING LIGHT! Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!
---Not even safe to WALK anymore!

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