To the young woman on Spring Garden who always needs "a bus ticket or a loonie" | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, December 11, 2009

To the young woman on Spring Garden who always needs "a bus ticket or a loonie"

Posted on Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 4:28 PM

I gave you a toonie and wished you the best of luck, turned my ipod back up and walked away thinking I helped you out. On my way back from the gym...what do I see? I see you again! Are you waiting for the bus? Nope! You're pitching the same line: "Excuse me, do you have a bus ticket or a loonie!?", in the same frantic, helples tone you used on me.
I let you go that day, and since then I've seen you do the same thing to at least 6 other people as I walk too and from the gym! I'm just waiting to see you again so I can ask you for my toonie back.
How do you do it? You even have friends with you sometime? I seriously thought you needed a ride home and I'm sure there are lots of other people who felt the same. I hope you not only find a reason to go to jail, but I hope you get kicked off metro transit. By the way, you look like a warlock from david the gnome.
I've got 3 weeks worth of insults lined up for you next time I hear you ask someone for "a bus ticket or a loonie". I hope you saved some room in your deep pockets and shallow heart for what I'm just waiting to dish ya.
What a bitch. If she ever asks you for cash, someone give her some words for me please.
---guy who only gives money to the old trumpet lady now.


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