From the Girl in the HOT PINK ECHO | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

From the Girl in the HOT PINK ECHO

Posted on Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 6:01 PM

I would just like to quickly reply to the gentleman who decided to take ten minutes out of his pitiful mistake of a life to create some idiotic remarks about my gorgeous love mobile.

In my defense, it is not my fault that you have nothing better to do than tear down people who try to make the world more colorful and jubilant. It seems clear to me that your cynical witticisms about MY car (which I, as in ME, paid for and therefore rightfully chose the color) are a reflection of your displeasure with some aspect of your contemptible existence.

BUT, I digress. The real reason I'm writing back to you is to give my word that I have NEVER yelled at anyone for looking at my pink car. Why would I paint it pink if I did not want people to look at it genius? So not only are your pathetic comments offensive, but fabricated.

BUT. Have a great day :)

---The Fabulous Girl in the HOT PINK ECHO

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