What's Good for the Goose... | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What's Good for the Goose...

Posted on Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 2:13 PM

When I got engaged, I telephoned you, long-distance, to let you know. I waited several days to post the news on Facebook because I was unable to get hold of you. I even emailed and texted you to find out when I could reach you by phone to tell you my news. You were SO excited, and very thankful that I told you before you read about it on Facebook. Your exact words were "That would have been horrible, I'm so glad you told me "in person" instead of letting me read about it."

That was a year ago. Today, I get a NewsFeed on my Facebook that you got married. MARRIED! As awesome as I think that is, I am ROYALY pissed that you didn't even TRY to contact me before you put it up for the world to see! It's not like my number has changed, it's not like we haven't been in touch. I know you eloped, but come on, a quick call to tell me before I learned about it with people you barely even KNOW would have been nice.

---am I nuts to be pissed?

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