Where are my bus times? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Where are my bus times?

Posted on Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 2:53 PM

Ok, so we all know that there are waaaaaay too many bus bitches... but seriously, Im pretty sure its been MONTHS since the mumford terminal has lost its computer screen allowing people in the shelter to know what times the buses come. And with that little store closed there isnt even a clock, or a fucking map, or paper schedule for people. I dont always have a phone to call the go time, let alone know what the fuck they are, and frankly Im too lazy to freeze my ass off even more to walk down to the sign, call the go-time, discover that my route number "is an invalid route number" and get even more pissed off be metro transit's shitty fucking service. I dont see why its taken so long to replace that... then again, barrington street terminals was broken for almost a year... its not that hard to find a cheap monitor to put in there...we dont need high tech flat screen monitors telling us the times. I just want something that shows me the times the busses are due to arrive even if its a damn piece of paper.

-- route 52 is an invalid route number.

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