The horror, the horror... | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

The horror, the horror...

Posted on Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 10:54 AM

Yo BC, enough already with the crocodile tears and "mock" sorrow. Some guy from a country you couldn't even find on a map dies doing a dangerous sport the he clearly loved... fine. It's sad for those who knew him, but they knew the risks. Stop with all the weeping on television and silly talk of dedicating the entire games to this dude!

Where were your tears when hundreds of Georgians were slaughtered in the aggressive Russian military action a few years back?

And worst of all is the way this guy's death is being used as a magician's "misdirection" to take attention away from the REAL Olympic news: rampant doping by athletes, Out-of-control commercialization, censorship, grotesque (and predicted) cost overuns, and mostly:

Why was a winter Olympics awarded to a rainforest?!

I can almost see the 'weeping' VANOC execs peering cautiously through their fingers to make sure everyone's watching THEM, and not the massive protests...

---yoU knoW whO...

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