Garbage and cans are not FOOD | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Garbage and cans are not FOOD

Posted on Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 1:08 PM

To the annoying prick who keeps putting his or her recyclables and garbage in my compost bin: FUCK OFF. I just filled two-thirds of a recycling bag with the shit that you left in my compost. After cooking a nice meal and going to dispose of my veggie peelings, the last place I want to be is in my driveway, wrist-deep in rotting food to remove the various bags of garbage, cat food cans and other shit you've decided belong in there. I would rather you throw your garbage directly in my driveway then throw it in my compost; at least that way I won't have to fish it out.

I'm waiting for the day that I get a ticket or something because of some of your lovely garbage bags nestled in where I couldn't see it. Even if I don't get a fine I'd really rather not make the jobs harder for those who pick up my compost. I'm a nice person, but if I catch you in the act I'm going to freak out. —Sick of Cleaning Up After Assholes

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