Reffing In The NHL And My Earlier Bitch of " A National Network As It Were " | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Reffing In The NHL And My Earlier Bitch of " A National Network As It Were "

Posted on Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 2:33 PM

What's up with that? I just watched the Habs lose to Washington 5-1, questionable calls all round. Started watching the Vancouver LA game, and the same thing seems to be happening. WTF is going on here, it can't just be me is it?

Is it a short person syndrome or is it something from the higher ups that a Canadian team "shall never win the Stanley Cup?"

We as Canadians are surely getting ripped off this playoff season because someone wants an American team in the finals to sell the NHL to some parts of the US that should never have an NHL Team. Jesus this is really pissing me off.—A Fair Play Hockey Fan Dammit

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