Noise: The Saviour | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Noise: The Saviour

Posted on Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 11:14 AM

How does one block out the sense of hearing? I ponder that now. Or rather do they distract with those tethered apparati hanging from their ears? The mp3 player, the portable CD player (dead as much as we know), even the personal DVD players or radios (though less frequently witnessed).

These poor bodies, seemingly drained of content, filled by recycled sound, poured into their brain to quiet the tumultuous torrent that otherwise would ebb and swirl therein. One seems not unlike a robot clutching it's batteries or an invalid grasping it's intraferon. A baby cries out as I sit on the bus, they sit vacantly starring off - it jostles them half awake, one immediately looks down and increases the volume/dosage.

Are the thoughts prevented and the reality of sound so torturous or lacking thrill that countless hours must be spent separated from us all? Surely some might take it as a personal insult. The he, me, you or the other and the sounds that result from us are a nuisance it seems. But I see those trapped in that false reality, headphones in ears, to be weak of demeanor. One appears unable to confront the world with all the senses blazing. The few of us who still dare, pull it all in, suck it all in, whether we simply cherish what we process or analyze and loathe it, is a matter pf preference... that preference is independent of my point..

My point is simply thus: we are tool using animals, this device which was intended as a convenient form of entertainment is now an addiction, torture it seems lies outside our doors, inside our heads and if we do not confuse the raging tempest with a battery of pandering repetitions of base pleasures then we could possibly be doomed to acknowledge the obvious truths. Those truths are as such: we are unsatisfied and we do little about it. Increase the volume/dosage, it soothes the wild beast within and gives a rhythm to march towards directions one refuses to acknowledge they may not prefer. —Icarus

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