Another dog shit bitch... | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Another dog shit bitch...

Posted on Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 10:30 PM

To all of those assholes who do not properly dispose of their dog's feces:

Do you like shit all over your shoes, on your clothes and even your hands?!!? Probably not - and neither does anyone else!!!!!!

I work in Fleming Park (for those who don't know where that is, it's where the Dingle Tower is; to those who don't know where that is, it's in Halifax, Nova Scotia; to those who don't know where that is, BUY A FUCKING MAP!!) and there was a couple there early this morning with their cameras taking pictures of the tower, fauna, any wildlife, whatever! The guy sat down on a log to wait for the girl to finish. When he got up there was dog shit all over his jacket, shirt and hands (because he used his hands to lift himself off of the log)!

Whoever left that shit there, you're a fucking piece of shit and I hope someday someone flushes assholes like you down the toilet!! I saw him look down before sitting down and also before hoisting himself up. He probably didn't see the shit because the log was off the ground (who expects a dog to walk up onto a partially elevated log to take a dump?) and the color blended with the log. I see this ALL the time in the park and I usually look the other way but NO MORE!

The next person I see not taking care of it I will take a photo with my camera, approach them and ask them to properly dispose of it. If you give me any lip your fucking ass is grass and I'm a fucking lawn mower! It's a goddam by-law asshole!

Pick it up and get rid of it! Don't put it in a bag and then leave the bag somewhere you lazy fuck-up! Put it in the trash bin/can/receptacle... they're all over the place! —Disappointed in the asshole race I was born into

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