09 Nov 5:15 In bound Halifax | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

09 Nov 5:15 In bound Halifax

Posted on Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 12:52 PM

Just got off work, 4 car pile up at the Mic Mac Mall. That my friends' is not my bitch. Turned off on Woodland towards Victoria Drive and it's loaded packed to the hilt - that is still not my bitch - Woodland is two lanes and as I said, as far as the eye could see it's packed full of wanting to go home vehicles. People have been diverting to avoid the chaos that prevailed at the Mic Mac Mall area, then it began to happen.

For some fuc*in" reason people on the right lane think that it's OK to go right up past the stagnant line up on the left lane as close to the light as possible and signal to move into that lane circumnavigating the long line that was there, and avoiding the freakin' road ethics that are unwritten but must be followed.

You people piss me off! To the people in the left lane: STOP LETTING PEOPLE IN! What's your dysfunction, damn, if you let one in, you gotta let them all in cause they are all watching the success story that just happened. I'm getting heated up just thinking about it now, time to go home, I'm done my shift. Grrr. —Warranted Road Rager


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