Don't deny me service! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, January 3, 2011

Don't deny me service!

Posted on Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 9:46 AM

I waited in the make-up section at a popular pharmacy on the 24th. Even a "sorry we're busy, be with you in ten!" would have been fine. But you ignored me, walking right by several times like I wasn't even there. I was younger by half than your usual customers and was basically wearing pajamas, but no amount of sampling foundations on my wrist brought any of you over to me. As a professional performer who doesn't skimp on makeup and skincare, I do not dress in my costumes to buy these things! I'm not going to change out of my comfy clothes and pony-tail into an outfit which will ensure service. You just lost $150 from someone who has loved and used your products before; it all went to your competitor's store. —Discerning yet dishevelled

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