Normally I just keep my head down and pass by... | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Normally I just keep my head down and pass by...

Posted on Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 10:13 AM

I live near a popular mall in Dartmouth and frequently need things from the local building supplies store. I was leaving through the overhead door section with some trim, A girl about my age rang through the trim and I was half listening to the older guys in the background bantering on, and happened to hear them gay bashing. Now, as I stated, normally I just roll my eyes smile and keep on walking, but one of their statements stuck out "...those dykes, never going to get anywhere in God's world, no place in heaven..." REALLY? Do you think your "God" cares more about the lesbians, or about how much of an asswipe you are? And after bashing gays, you go on to say how good your wife is in bed, how often you have sex? All the gory details included.

A) Not appropriate work conduct at all
B) Gross
C) Who cares who you fuck as long as youre happy

I'm a gay chick so maybe I'm biased when it comes to my opinions on God, heaven or whatever else, but I don't think it really matters who you love as long as it works and you're happy. Love is about respect, and to me, respect is not sharing all the dirty things your wife does to you with your work 'buddies'. I'm sure she wouldn't be all that willing to please you if she knew how the rest of your work circle could play back to her what you did in bed last night.

I felt bad for the poor girl who was ringing through my things, looking at me apologetically, while the men continued their banter. Makes you want to take a shower. —Human...decency?

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