Obnoxious 80 | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Obnoxious 80

Posted on Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 11:56 AM

This bitch is for the line of people that got on the 80 last night. There was a young couple with a stroller that were attempting to exit the bus, but because you were all a bunch of damn arseholes and couldn't wait 30 seconds for them to get off, of course it was a tight squeeze getting on the bus. They even apologized to you as you all rammed your way through, giving them dirty looks. It wasn't just one or two people either, there was like 5 of you! Is inconsideration contagious, or are we just lucky enough to see that large a group of rude douchebags gathering in one spot? —Transit Bandit

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