Respect Your Environment | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Respect Your Environment

Posted on Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 10:55 AM

I am a dog owner and I spend a lot of time in local parks letting my little monster get some exercise. Since the start of baseball season I have noticed an alarming amount of garbage left around the bleachers in these parks. I have many times, in three different baseball fields in the city, picked up coffee cups, beer cans, water bottles and food wrappers. I have even used a spare plastic bag and filled it with THREE broken wine bottles! WTF?!

So, I understand that it may be a case of the few making the many look bad but please, for the love of all things holy, put your bloody trash in the bin. These places are where our kids play, they are where we hang out and have fun so the least we can do is take a bit of responsibility for their cleanliness.

In a society that is so obsessed with hand sanitizer, germs, wrapping everything in plastic because god forbid Junior might catch a cold, why is it so difficult to pick up your coffee cup and put it in the bin at the entrance to the park that you will surely be passing by to get into your SUV to drive home? The fact that most of the garbage is all around the bleachers where the parents watch their kids leads me to believe these parents are not setting a good example to their children.

So, when Junior cuts himself on the sharp edge of a can that was cut up by a lawn mower DO NOT BLAME HRM for it, remember that they provide a place to put garbage and they empty them. It is up to us to use them. —Clean Up Your Mess

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