That's The Wrong Handsign for 'Thanks' | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

That's The Wrong Handsign for 'Thanks'

Posted on Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 2:18 PM

So, it's 11pm on Jubilee (i.e. pretty damn dark) and as I'm approaching an intersection, I notice—really, just by chance—a couple nearly at the corner where they'll cross at the crosswalk. So I stop. Not on a dime, I wasn't going that fast. I just stopped. They got to the corner and started to cross and everything seemed quite fine. Until the girl turned around and gave me the finger. Really?! What the hell was THAT for? For noticing you were approaching and stopping for you to cross? Did you have make-out-on-the-corner plans I thwarted or something?

Seriously, this city has some MAJOR anger issues it needs to work out. Flipping someone off for no reason could be a gateway act-of-violence, chiquita. Next thing you'll be taking a hammer into a hospital, or axing someone in the head downtown in broad daylight. Might want to dial back your inner fucktard before that happens. I'm not sure we can take much more. —Minimal Civility Doesn't Seem Like too Much to Ask

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