People with Bad Teeth | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

People with Bad Teeth

Posted on Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 12:52 PM

Dental fees are crazy and not everyone can afford going to the dentist - I realize that. But come on people - if your mouth looks like the dog's breakfast - just don't smile. What the hell do you have to smile about anyway? I mean seriously. Crazy ass shark teeth people. You can't afford the dental fees but I bet one of your friends owns a hammer. And why is it that people with bad teeth also can't afford toothpaste or toothbrushes? You can have bad teeth but does your breath have to smell like your pet dog took a dump in your mouth right before you left your house? Why do you have to talk so much or for that matter, at all? Just stop talking altogether. No one wants to smell your breath or see your ugly ass teeth. Go home, borrow a hammer from a friend and knock those ugly ass teeth out - no teeth are better than those stinkin' black ones. —Joker Smiles White and Minty

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