Bridge Bitch | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Bridge Bitch

Posted on Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 4:52 PM

To the worker at the toll booth at the MacKay Bridge who wouldn't let me across yesterday because I didn't have a dollar on me. You're a complete moron.

OK so I didn't have the money so you wouldn't let me through. Fair enough. That's not the reason for this bitch. I offered to give you my plate number as I have in the past with other tollbooth attendants, you say that the policy is, no pay, no cross. Fine. You told me you'd let me through the gate but to take the exit and not to cross the bridge. I asked "how do you know I won't just cross?" You told me if I did that you would radio the bridge police. Fine. So far, you're just doing your job, I understand. The following is the meat and potatoes of this bitch.

For one, get a hearing aid, I had to repeat everything I said to you at least twice, I was speaking as loud as I could. You're deaf as a post.

When I became angry and said, "Fine, fuck you, just let me through," and proceeded towards the gate, instead of letting me through to turn off into the exit off the bridge, you just let me sit at the gate, while about 10 to 15 cars piled up behind me. I honk my horn, loudly and for good 5-8 seconds. No reaction. I scream at you "HELLLOOOOO?!" No reaction. "OH, OK, JUST FUCKING IGNORE ME!!" I yelled, extremely frustrated at this point. Still nothing. Only when I exited my car and started to walk back to your booth did ANYONE acknowledge that I existed. At that point two guys with badges approached me on foot. I calmly explained to them that I couldn't pay the toll and that I was going to exit the off ramp but the attendant wasn't raising the gate to let me do so. They told you to open the gate and you finally did. Why did it take me exiting my vehicle with a murderous look on my face for you to press a fucking button? What the fuck did you think you were accomplishing besides making everyone upset and wasting our time?

What the fuck was going through your head? I thought about going back to your booth to argue with you after I backtracked to my apartment to get your precious loonie.

Maybe you thought I was going to disobey your orders and just drive across the bridge. There was nothing you could have done about that besides call bridge police. Either way you had to lift the gate. What the fuck did making me wait there for a few minutes completely ignoring me accomplish? There is no logical explanation as far as I'm concerned, and the fact that I had to waste my time and gas just so that you assholes could get your FUCKING DOLLAR, RIGHT THEN AND THERE and not at a later date is absolutely ridiculous. I was on my way to the hospital by the way, in pain, and really wasn't in the mood for that bullshit. —Shove Your 4 Quarters Up Your Ass

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